Patient-care Equipment Market: Standing At Crucial Crossroads
The Indian health-care system has trudged a long and arduous journey to be where it is now. For the past 3 decades, India has shown remarkable achievements in terms of medical technology, treatment, diagnostics, and patient care. These are the aspects that regularly hog the limelight whenever there is a discussion or debate about our health-care system.
What about the patient-care equipment market in India? Studies show that with the advent of a new health-care ecosystem, the healthcare equipment market is faring quite well. This sector has been rigorously adopting new innovations to live up to the challenges of modern age patient-care.
Inspace Healthcare Furniture is one of the best hospital furniture manufacturers in Chennai. We have 33 years of experience in the furniture industry and are experts in undertaking product customization in larger volumes. Our excellent furniture solutions include SS instrument trolley, hospital overbed table, examination table for clinic, and much more. We ensure that our hospital furniture meets the changing needs of hospitals and patients with quality, safety, and durability. Established in 1987, we guarantee quality and convenience!
What does “patient-care equipment” comprise? The term encompasses everything from normal to smart, hi-tech hospital beds, intensive care beds, Operation Theatre Equipment, trolleys, dental equipment, sterilizers, microscopes, test tubes, etc. The list has an endless number of items, and no health-care facility can survive without them.
The healthcare furniture and equipment market which stands at the crossroads is also attracting big players from the domestic and international arena. There is also a robust and constantly- evolving R&D that is churning out innovative solutions to cater to the latest medical technologies and the demands of patients.
Like we mentioned earlier, the list of patient-care equipment is endless. The bigger and more expansive the services of the facility are, the more equipment it will need. Here’s a list of some of the basic healthcare furniture a hospital will require to function:
Examination table
Hospital beds
Stainless steel equipment
Procedure table
Lab diagnostic equipment
Emergency equipment and supplies
First Aid equipment
Blood drawing chairs
Weighing scales
Equipment Efficiency: An Important Asset for Healthcare
If the medical staff are the primary lifeline of a hospital, its secondary lifeline is the efficiency of its patient-care equipment. Thousands of lives depend on the equipment to thrive and survive another day. Their availability and non-availability spell the difference between life and death.
All medical equipment and devices must be regularly maintained and monitored to ensure their availability at immediate notice. Any delay in enforcing the implementation of these devices will only make the patient sicker or lead to loss of life. Regular preventive maintenance will increase the lifespan of the equipment. Do not forget that some equipment like beds, wheelchairs, and weighing machines are subjected to non-stop usage.
Underutilized equipment is a criminal waste of investment because it does not come cheap. Hence, it is better to chart out a clear list of the requirements based on hospital needs, speciality services, and usage patterns.
Healthcare equipment: Playing A Promising Role In The Healthcare Sector
Medical equipment, patient-care devices, and healthcare furniture are anticipated to be one of the most in-demand markets. Just take, for example, the need for hospital beds. Medical beds alone are anticipated to play a crucial role in ensuring that the patients get the best care ever under the watchful eyes of their caregivers. The ever-increasing need for surgeries is inadvertently pushing the demand for surgical tables and Operation Theatre lighting equipment.
Challenges, Concerns, and Compromises
The patient-care equipment market isn’t without its own share of worries. Considering the fact that it is growing in leaps and bounds, it is sure to hit some stumbling blocks like the following:
Private hospitals in the metros and big cities are forever under the pressure of increasing costs and capital investment. At some point, they tend to compromise on the expenses of patient care equipment. They end up compromising on the care and quality when they become hesitant to spend on much-needed sophisticated equipment.
Inadequate infrastructure is a plague for the Indian health sector. The ratio of medical staff and hospital facilities to the number of patients is a nightmare that needs immediate attention. An industry-friendly business climate is what we need to address the patient-care equipment sector.
The Closure
The patient-care equipment is an expansive market in India, which is marching forward at a steady pace every year. The perpetual demand for good healthcare and the constant proliferation of well-equipped hospitals has catapulted the potential of this market to unimaginable heights.
To foster a more promising patient-centric environment in India, governments should consider incentives and credits at a cheaper interest rate for hospitals to procure the best patient-care equipment.
Catering to the requirements of the healthcare industry is Maruthi Furniture. We specialize in manufacturing and delivering healthcare furniture at a reasonable cost with the best standards of quality. We have a wide range of healthcare furniture that your hospital will require to provide the best medical care.
Inspace Hospital Furniture, with over 30 years of experience boasts of perfection at par with excellence in coming up with the best-ever furniture solutions that walk hand in hand with the latest technological advancements.